Gifted and Talented

Lana Muncy
Gifted & Talented Coordinator
Advanced Placement Coordinator
Phone: 479-284-3586
GT Documents:
GT Resources:
Students enrolled in the Hector Elementary School District may be referred for evaluation for the Hector Gifted and Talented program at any time by contacting the GT Coordinator. A referral form is linked below. This form can be printed or sent electronically to Lana Muncy, GT Coordinator. If you would like a printed copy sent home with your child, please let us know. Contact Lana Muncy for any questions.
Hector School District Gifted and Talented Program Philosophy
The program at Hector Public Schools is built on a fundamental belief in serving the needs of all our students as unique individuals. We believe that gifted and talented individuals have special characteristics and learning styles that their potential for accomplishment is such that they require special provisions, experiences and services beyond the regular instructional program. We are committed to provide a program for identifying and meeting the needs and interests of our gifted and talented students.
The identification and placement of these gifted and talented students will be based on documented objective and subjective evidence of above average intellectual ability, creative ability, skills, products, and task commitment/motivation. Gifted and talented students are outstanding consumers and producers of knowledge and ideas in any worthwhile endeavor. They may have potential abilities in general intelligence, creative or productive thinking, exceptional leadership and specific aptitudes.
These abilities must be cultivated, nurtured and developed. Gifted and talented students must be provided opportunities to interact with their peers and to work with materials which challenge their abilities and encourage them to expand their abstract thinking and reasoning abilities. Maximizing the potential of gifted and talented students requires a commitment of school, community, and home; and commitment is essential for progress to be effective. The gifted and talented program is designed to cultivate within the students a desire for excellence and a sense of productive responsibility to self, family, school, community, and to our changing society.
Arkansas’ Definition of Giftedness
Gifted and talented children and youth are those of high potential or ability, who’s learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences and/or services. Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for their development, will be evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment and/or motivation, and creative ability.