Apologies Friday September 4th! Digital Day
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
Parents, Friday September 3rd will be a digital day. We received a lot of great feedback from you last week and we have worked this week to make the assignments easier for students read and complete. This is a work in progress. If you have computer problems you can bring those to campus and we will help you. Teachers and staff will be on campus to assist you with any problems you have. We will also be out Monday September 7th for Labor Day. There will be no assignments for that day. Enjoy a wonderful Labor Day weekend!!
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
Student drivers need to bring their driver's license, proof of insurance, and 3 dollars to the office to obtain a parking permit.
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
The junior high game tonight at Dover has been postponed due to inclement weather. The game has been rescheduled for Monday, August 31 at 7:00.
over 4 years ago, Hector Athletics
 In order to comply with Dept of Health regulations for large outdoor events there will be limited number of tickets available. We will be allowing 650 attendees for Home games. 150 of those will be available to the visitors. The remaining 500 will be available to Hector fans.  Masks will be required to enter the stadium and must be worn at all times.  Tickets will be available to football and cheer parents first and the remaining tickets will be sold at the gate. Gates will open at 5:45pm for Sr high and 5:00 for Junior High games.  A total of 6 Football and cheer tickets will be distributed per player each week for Home games. Tickets must be presented to enter and admission fee is $5  The number of tickets available for away games will be determined by the host school. Again football and cheer parents will be given available tickets first.  The stadium gates will close once capacity is reached.  Every other row of seating will be utilized, families are encouraged to sit together. All other attendees are asked to maintain social distancing.  Lawn chairs will be permitted for seating around the field to practice social distancing.  Concession stand will offer a limited selection of products. Cokes, candy and chips.  This is a work in progress so please be patient as we see how games play out.  NO Season passes will be available for the football season and we will re-evaluate before basketball season.  We will be live streaming all games on our Facebook page.  Please follow all directives; we want our kids to be able to keep playing.
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
Parents: Friday August 28th will be a Digital Day for Hector Schools. It will serve as a practice day for students and teachers using technology as the primary method of instruction. We know we have problems to work through and this will give us guidance on where problem areas are in case we have to close school temporarily for Covid. This will also give us time to deep clean our buildings and buses and give our staff a chance to make necessary changes to classrooms and schedules. Teachers and staff will be on campus but students will not. For questions please call HS office 284-3536 or Elem office 284-3586
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
The weekly meal distribution for virtual students will be today from 1:00-2:00 at the football field parking lot.
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
Parents you can still sign students up for Virtual Academy here: https://forms.gle/U5Vs37ubVPz5mrKY8 It may be later in the week before your devices are ready and we will call when devices are ready for pick up. Students may return for on-site instruction at any time. If you or your children are in quarantine, and can not attend on-site please call the offices tomorrow and we can make arrangements for your situation. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
4th Grade Virtual Open House (Round 2) at 7:00 pm: https://zoom.us/j/94862899709?pwd=VXBDbE9XazFaNEQzRDd3T3Y5cTVEdz09
over 4 years ago, Kara Rohr
3rd Grade Virtual Open House Round 2 at 6:00 pm: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6184728340?pwd=TzhBaGZWVlJUVXg1VTNYR0xkdE1qUT09
over 4 years ago, Kara Rohr
4th Grade Virtual Open House today at 2:00: https://zoom.us/j/96352654312?pwd=ZmlPZUkrMmk4QmV6cWI0NFVmaEYzdz09
over 4 years ago, Kara Rohr
over 4 years ago, Kara Rohr
2nd Grade Virtual Open Houses are today. To meet and talk with the teachers click on the link to join the meeting: 1:00 pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81275665426?pwd=N0cyUlM1K25PRTdiOXVUWTFkRnRlQT09 Meeting ID: 812 7566 5426 Passcode: qZpNN9 6:00 pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81393484626?pwd=ZjJvL29FNVd1ZDhMcGQvZFJzYUpiZz09 Meeting ID: 813 9348 4626 Passcode: uf0mJF
over 4 years ago, Kara Rohr
The Hector and Hackett School Districts have agreed to cancel the scrimmage scheduled for August 20th at Hector. Both teams will continue to prepare for their season openers on August 28th. The Wildcats open the season at home vs Dover. August 28th at 7pm.
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
Don't forget 1st Grade's Virtual Open House tonight at 6:00 pm. To join click on the link below: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73063809724?pwd=OWFiZk43b2pZV0FKbHQ4TFA4dXYwQT09
over 4 years ago, Kara Rohr
To Wildcat Fans: Please click Guidelines for Outdoor Venues this fall. Please read and follow the guidelines so that we are able to have a great football season. https://5il.co/juof
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
We are now offering a 3rd time for Virtual students to pickup their devices. It will be Wednesday at 2:00 in the cafeteria. Please limit your party to 1 or 2 people. It is not necessary for the students to attend. Do not attend if you have fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell, or you have had known exposure to someone with Covid-19 in the past 14 days. Please make arrangements with the high school or elementary office if you can not attend.
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
HECTOR SCHOOL DISTRICT “POINT OF CONTACT” ANNOUNCEMENT In an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus within our staff and student body we are asking all parents/guardians, of students who will be in attendance on-site, and all employees to notify our designated Point of Contact immediately when the following occurs: • Someone in the household has tested positive for COVID- 19. • Someone in the household has been identified as a Close Contact to a positive case of COVID- 19 and is requiring quarantine and/or recommended to be tested for COVID- 19. • Student attending on-site and employees who are being tested for COVID- 19. If symptomatic, student/staff should remain in quarantine pending results of their COVID- 19 test. Please call district point of contact (POC), Michelle Brown at [479-880-3102] , or email information to poc@hectorschools.net Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Together we can help keep our Hector School District family safe, healthy and ready to learn during this time.
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
Hector Middle School will host an Open House for incoming 5th-grade students on Thursday, August 20th. We will meet at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria for an orientation, then divide into small groups for a tour of the classrooms.
over 4 years ago, Hector School District
Teachers and staff are on campus this week anticipating the return of students on August 24th! We are excited about the start of school and look forward to students returning to on-site instruction. If you wish to sign up for Virtual Academy you can do that here...https://forms.gle/U5Vs37ubVPz5mrKY8 If you sign up for Virtual Academy you will receive a confirmation email. If you have not received a confirmation email you may need to contact the school to make sure your student is signed up. Tuesday August 18th at 1:00 pm and 6:00pm we will be passing out computers in the cafeteria for the Virtual Academy students. This will be mandatory for a parent or guardian to attend. This will give us the opportunity to get parents acquainted with the Learning management system and confirm student log in information. If you cannot attend on this day you will need to contact the district to set up another time to meet with our staff. Many questions can be answered here...https://5il.co/io7v Thank you and Go Wildcats!
over 4 years ago, Hector School District