Ms. Savage's 4th period Foods class prepared and ate Thanksgiving dinner today. They did a great job! So proud of them!
20 days ago, Guillen Heinzen
HHS senior Lane Horn was honored tonight by the school board with the Bravery Award for his actions during a medical emergency on his bus route. We are so proud of you, Lane!
23 days ago, Guillen Heinzen
Bus Route Families: Students who ride the bus could be delayed by a few minutes due to students returning later than expected from a field trip. Thank you for understanding.
29 days ago, Dr. Shawn Hettinga
about 1 month ago, Hector School District
The Senior High Band participated in Arkansas Tech University’s Band Member for a Day program. Students spent the day touring the campus and practicing with the band. Then they joined the Band of Distinction both during the halftime performance and on the sidelines during the game.
about 1 month ago, Lana Muncy
Reminder: Picture re-take day is Tuesday, November 5th! See attached order form for pre-order information!
about 1 month ago, Guillen Heinzen
5th-12th Red Ribbon Week is next week!
about 1 month ago, Guillen Heinzen
School day portrait re-takes/make-ups will be on Tuesday, November 5th. Please see attached flyer for details!
about 1 month ago, Guillen Heinzen
Ag Mechanics at Arkansas State Fair
about 2 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
Homecoming festivities will take place on Friday, October 11th at 6:30 P.M. The Wildcats will take on Mountainburg following the ceremony!
about 2 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
Fall Fest is coming soon!
about 2 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
about 2 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
Don't forget... flu shot forms are due tomorrow, Thursday, October 3rd!
2 months ago, Dr. Shawn Hettinga
Blood drive!
Wednesday, October 2nd!
2 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
Senior pictures have been rescheduled for October 4th.
School day portrait re-takes/make-ups are scheduled for November 5th.
More information will be sent out at a later date!
2 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
It's Flu Clinic time!
3 months ago, Lana Muncy
Due to a scheduling conflict with the ATU college fair, senior portraits have been rescheduled for Friday, October 4th. We are sorry for the late notice!
3 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
We look forward to seeing you!
3 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
Please see attached memo for senior portrait info. All students must have their picture made for yearbook and composite!
3 months ago, Guillen Heinzen
Please see attached photo for senior reminders.
3 months ago, Guillen Heinzen