We have to change the 9-12 registration from July 29th to July 27th. New students, and returning 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades will pick up schedules July 27th from 8-3 at the new High School Office.
We look forward to seeing you!

Attention new 7th grade parents! Please click the link below to choose the electives for the upcoming school year. Please email Mrs. Taylor if you have any questions at brooke.taylor@hectorschools.net.

Attention new 8th grade parents! Please click the link below to choose the electives for the upcoming school year. Please email Mrs. Taylor if you have any questions at brooke.taylor@hectorschools.net.

Sarah Standridge recently attended the National Beta Convention in Nashville, Tennessee where she competed in on-site art, placing 7th in this national competition. Congratulations, Sarah!

More information regarding our upcoming dates!

Just a reminder!

Back to School Information! We can't wait to welcome everyone back!

Reminder: School will dismiss at 1:30 today! Have a wonderful summer break!!

Semester tests begin tomorrow for 9th-11th grade students.
1st and 7th period tests are Tuesday.
2nd, 6th, and 8th are Wednesday.
3rd and 5th are Thursday.

7-11 Grade Awards Ceremony will take place tomorrow at 9am in the New Gym. Parents and families are welcome!

Seniors need to meet in the cafeteria tomorrow morning @ 9:30 with their cap and gown for the senior walkthrough. We will then practice for graduation followed by lunch.

Join the choir this Thursday for their Spring concert!

8th grade parent night this Thursday has been moved to the High School Library.

Congratulations to these students for passing the Excel 2019 - MOS National Certification Exam:
Back Row: Josiah Muncy7, Evan Tennison, Addie Boley, Mackenzie Story
Front Row: Dusty Emanuel, Brinkley Lake, and Shannon Roe

Congratulations to the new beta officers for the 22-23 school year!
President - Brooke Smedley
VP - Mackenzie Story
Secretary - Sarah Standridge
Treasurer - Aalia Holt

School Lunch Hero Day is May 6th, so we want to wish all of our cafeteria workers a wonderful day! Thank you for all of your hard work!

Mrs. Stroud was celebrated for her 45 years of service to Beta yesterday. Mrs. Kari Stroud would like to compile a booklet of comments from past beta students as a gift for her. Feel free to share and post memories or comments!

We are celebrating our Seniors tomorrow with an awards ceremony at 9:50 in the new gym. Parents and families are welcome!

Congratulations to Mr. Jimmy Stroud's Financial Literacy students! Way to represent Hector!

Mrs. Kari Stroud's junior and senior classes had the opportunity to job shadow last week. We would like to thank the community and business leaders for providing such positive experiences for our students.